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Office of AIDS

Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Program

For Consumers

Who we are

The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HOPWA funds housing assistance and supportive services designed to reduce or prevent homelessness for persons living with HIV (PLWH). HOPWA seeks to increase the availability of decent, safe, and affordable housing for low-income PLWH.

What we provide

Services are provided locally by funded health departments, housing authorities, and community-based organizations in 40 mid-size and rural counties. HOPWA providers served approximately 1,088 clients during fiscal year 2021-22.

The availability of services may differ from county to county. Services may include short-term emergency rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to prevent homelessness, housing information, tenant-based or project-based rental assistance, and other support services.

Who is eligible

To be eligible for HOPWA services, individuals must be (1) HIV positive, (2) low income as defined by HUD, and (3) be homeless or at risk of being homeless. Individuals who are not eligible for HOPWA services may be eligible for housing services through the HIV Care Program or the Housing Plus Project.

How to find a provider

To find HOPWA providers in:

For Providers

Policies and Procedures

Scope of Work


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