HIV Data Systems
The Office of AIDS uses multiple data systems to collect HIV program data from local health jurisdictions, providers and contractors. These systems are secure and kept up to date to ensure the confidentiality of the data collected. The data are collected to meet the requirements of funders, as well as to guide program implementation and improvement.
ADAP Enrollment System (AES)
The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP Enrollment System (AES) is a custom developed web-based solution used by Office of AIDS staff and enrollment workers at ADAP and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Assistance Program (PrEP-AP) sites throughout California. Data collected and processed in the AES includes client-level demographic characteristics, financial eligibility documentation, clinical laboratory test results and insurance coverage; enrollment site staff information; and medication, premium and out-of-pocket claims information. Data interfaces exchange eligibility information and claim payment information with separate Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) and Insurance and Medical Benefits Manager (IBM/MBM) systems.
ADAP Annual Reports
The AIDS Regional Information and Evaluation System (ARIES) is a centralized HIV/AIDS client management system that allows for coordination of client services among medical care, treatment and support providers and provides comprehensive data for program reporting and monitoring. ARIES is used by Ryan White-funded service providers to automate, plan, manage and report on client data. ARIES is also utilized by the following Office of AIDS care programs: Housing Opportunities for Persons Living with AIDS (HOPWA), Medi-Cal Waiver Program (MCWP) and Medicare Part D.
Care Reports
ARIES resources
ARIES Help Desk
HIV Care Connect (HCC)
The California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS (OA) is excited to announce a new, custom-designed data system, HIV Care Connect (HCC), that will replace ARIES. OA has contracted with Deloitte to design and program the new system, migrate legacy data and train end users. HCC will continue to support the programs that currently use ARIES and offer additional benefits. OA will provide regular updates on our progress in designing the new system through Data System Notices. E-mail to ask questions, raise concerns and share feedback. E-mails will be monitored and reviewed by OA. Please note that responses will be sent as they are available and appropriate.
Data System Notice No. 01 (PDF)
Data System Notice No. 02 (PDF)
Data System Notice No. 03 (PDF)
HCC Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
The Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS) is a browser-based application provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Office of AIDS uses eHARS to collect, manage and report California’s HIV/AIDS case surveillance data to CDC. HIV/AIDS is a condition that is mandated by state laws and regulations to be reported by local health officers to CDPH.
Surveillance Reports
Surveillance Resources
Local Evaluation Online (LEO) is is an online system for tracking information about Office of AIDS (OA)-funded HIV education and prevention programs, including counseling and testing services.
LEO System Login