ā![Stroke Logo](/Programs/CCDPHP/DCDIC/CDCB/PublishingImages/Pages/CaliforniaStrokeRegistry/Stroke%20Logo.png)
California Stroke Registry/
California Coverdell Program
The California Stroke Registry/California Coverdell Program (CSR/CCP) aims to:
- Reduce the rate of premature death and disability from acute stroke
- Increase public awareness of stroke treatment and prevention
- Reduce disparities in acute stroke care by providing underserved populations with better access to treatment
About the CSR/CCP
Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death in California. More than 14,000 Californians die of stroke each year.
In 2003, state legislation was passed to develop a Master Plan for the prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke. The Plan, California's Master Plan for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Treatment, 2007-2015, was adopted in 2007 and included a recommendation to create a statewide database to monitor the quality of acute stroke care in California. That same year, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) initiated development of the CSR to monitor the quality of acute stroke care across clinical settings, including pre-hospital care, provided via emergency medical services (EMS) and in-hospital care.
In 2012, California became one of eleven states funded by CDC to participate in the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program, whose long-term goal is to ensure that all Americans receive the highest quality stroke care available to reduce untimely deaths, prevent disability, and avoid recurrent strokes. During the first few years of federal funding, more than 55 California hospitals committed to participate in the state stroke registry. As of 2019, California is one of nine CDC-funded states, charged with improving the treatment of acute stroke across the care continuum, to include the pre-hospital, in-hospital, and post-hospital care settings. Registry data are used to help hospitals and EMS partners close the gap between stroke care guidelines and practice.
Program Contact
California Stroke
Registry/California Coverdell Program
California Department
of Public Health
Chronic Disease
Control Branch
P.O. Box
997377 MS-7208
Sacramento, CA
(916) 552-9900 or
email: CSR@cdph.ca.gov