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California syndromic surveillance (calsys)

Last updated: August 30, 2024

CalSyS July 2024 Updates

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Recent Updates

Next Steps for Local Health Departments and Emergency Departments

Next Steps for the CalSyS Team


To update local health departments (LHDs) and hospitals with emergency departments (EDs) on CDPHā€™s progress with developing the statewide syndromic surveillance program.


CDPH is establishing a centralized, statewide syndromic surveillance program. CDPH will use the National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) BioSense Platform to establish standardized data comparable across local jurisdictions for improving near real-time, widespread monitoring, detection, and response to emerging health and safety threats, such as outbreaks, in California.

Recent Updates

Program Name: CalSyS (California Syndromic Surveillance)

CalSyS Vision: Improving public health outcomes in California through timely information, enabling rapid and equitable response. 

Trailer Bill: SB 159, Chapter 40, Statutes of 2024 passed and became effective on July 1, 2024.

  • Health and Safety Code Sections 131360-131380 provides CDPH authority to create a syndromic surveillance (SyS) program. 
  • It also requires general acute care hospitals with emergency departments (EDs) to submit syndromic data to: 
    • CDPH, OR
    • the LHD of jurisdiction where the hospital is located if 1) the LHD operates its own syndromic surveillance system, AND 2) the LHD will have the capacity to transmit the data to CDPH by July 1, 2027.
  • Site Administration: CDPH has assumed site administrator duties for the California Site (CA Site) on the BioSense Platform. The CA Site coordinates the centralized exchange of syndromic data for CalSyS (separate from local sites in the BioSense Platform). In collaboration with NSSP, CalSyS will provide the following support:
    • Technical support - CalSyS will provide additional technical assistance and training to LHDs and hospitals to support their use of local syndromic data and transmission to the CA Site.
    • Scientific support and guidance for local regional SyS efforts.
  • ā€‹Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Promoting Interoperability Program (CMS PIP):
    • CDPH is investigating next steps to support hospital participation in CMS PIP as it pertains to syndromic surveillance.
    • Participation in syndromic surveillance can help hospitals meet requirements for CMS PIP. Learn more about the CMS PIP requirements.

Next Steps for Local Health Departments and Emergency Departments:

ā€‹Until regulations are finalized, there is no immediate action required of LHDs or hospitals. Regulations are expected to take up to 12 months to finalize. Once finalized, hospitals will have a 6-month grace period to act upon the requirements. Entities in LHDs where there is already required reporting to their local system should continue to report as usual. 
  • ā€‹LHDs Currently Conducting Syndromic Surveillance Activities ā€“ LHDs that are currently site administrators for their own local sites or are currently accessing data from the CA Site in BioSene will continue to access and analyze data as usual.
  • LHDs Not Currently Conducting Syndromic Surveillance Activities ā€“ LHDs that are not currently contributing data in BioSense are not required to take any action at this time. However, any LHDs that would like to start the onboarding process can contact the CalSyS team at
Support ā€“ Regardless of whether LHDs/EDs have already submitted data to the BioSense Platform or have yet to start, CalSyS will provide support. Reach out to the CalSyS team with any questions at

Next Steps for the CalSyS Team: 

Regulations - The CalSyS team will finalize regulations to establish a mechanism for implementing the CalSyS program. 

Data Use Agreement (DUA) - The CalSyS team will continue working on DUAs. The DUAs will facilitate syndromic surveillance data sharing and outline related responsibilities for LHDs and CDPH, including the role of CDPH as site administrator of the CA Site in the BioSense Platform. 

  • The CalSyS team will prioritize establishing DUAs with LHDs that are already submitting data to the BioSense Platform. 
Partner Updates - The CalSyS team will continue to provide updates to LHDs and hospitals as needed on program progress related to regulations, DUAs, training, and technical assistance opportunities. 

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