Alzheimer's Disease Program Research Grants
Research Grants Awarded in 2020
On December 4, 2019 - The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Chronic Disease Control Branch's Alzheimer's Disease Program (ADP) announced the intent to award eight (8) research grants, ranging from one (1) year to three (3) years, totaling $7,665,000. For more information, please see the list of Alzheimer's Disease Award (PDF) recipients and the research categories.
The purpose of the CDPH Alzheimer's Disease Research Awards Request for Application (RFA) (PDF) was to solicit competitive applications from September 11 through October 17, 2019 from eligible California organizations to conduct research in connection to the study of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRDs) with a focus on women and communities of color.
Two categories of funding include: Individual Investigator Awards and Consortium Research Awards. The maximum grant amount request, per fiscal year, including indirect costs, may not exceed:
- Individual Investigator Awards - $400,000 (per project)
- Consortium Awards - $600,000 (per project, not per institution)
The total amount available for the ADP Grant Awards under this RFA is approximately $2,355,000 in year one, $2,655,000 in year two, and $2,655,000 in year three beginning April 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. Funding is derived from the California State General Fund. The amount of the grant award is contingent upon appropriations by the California State Legislature and available State Funds. Carryover of these funds is not allowed.
CDPH's goal is that these projects lead to an advancement of knowledge regarding ADRDs, with a focus on women and communities of color, either in the academic or research field and to clinical implementation, including new treatment methodologies, or new detection and diagnosis innovations. CDPH would like to improve the capacity of the public health, health care delivery and long-term care services and support systems in California for persons with ADRDs. Additionally, a better understanding of underrepresented or disparate populations will assist in framing public health and long-term care services and support systems at the community level.
Alzheimer's Disease Program Research Grants - Background
Since 1985, the CDPH ADP has funded scientists engaged in the study of ADRDs. This research encompasses areas of basic science, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, health disparities, behavioral management, drug therapies and caregiving.
In 1984, California enacted legislation requiring the Department of Health Services (now CDPH) to administer a research grant program to help discover the cause, and the cure for, Alzheimer's disease. The CDPH ADP has awarded 145 research projects since inception, which have contributed significantly to our understanding of the disease and its impact on patients and their caregivers.
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