This communication provides updated guidance to local health jurisdictions (LHJs) and agencies regarding a change to Appendix 1 – Guidelines for Grant Application for the Request for Application (RFA) for Moving California Oral Health Forward 2022-2027, effective November 30, 2021.
Why the Update Is Needed:
The California Department of Public Health, Office of Oral Health (OOH) determined that it is of high public health importance to maintain Local Oral Health Programs (LOHPs) and to concentrate efforts in the most critical objectives to reach goals identified in the California Oral Health Plan 2018-2028.
An addendum to Appendix 1- Guidelines for Grant Application has been issued for all LHJs and agencies eligible to apply for the RFA Moving California Oral Health Forward 2022-2027. The addendum allows for one or more LHJs or agencies to establish consortium(s).
The consortium LHJs or agencies must establish an agreement in effort to complete activities and objectives outlined in the Moving California Oral Health Forward 2022-2027 grant.
CDPH has authority to grant funds for the LOHP under Health and Safety Code, Sections 104750 and 131085(a).
Addendum to Appendix 1 – Guidelines for Grant Application:
The following outlines the amended guidelines under consortium agreements in which the prime LHJ/agency collaborates with one or more approved LHJ/agency in carrying out the grant-supported objectives and activities. These revisions will be added to Appendix 1- Guidelines for Grant Application, C. Consortium Agreements, page 5 of 13.
- If one or more LHJs or agencies have agreed to establish a consortium, please notify the Office of Oral Health (OOH) via email for approval prior to submitting the RFA application on December 15, 2021.
- Submit a plan to the OOH along with the notification of intent to form a consortium that includes:
- the LHJs/agencies involved
- the lead LHJ or agency
- jurisdictions covered and
- an explanation of how the work plan objectives and activities will be carried out in the jurisdictions identified.
- A single, prime LHJ/agency will apply and receive the funding even though one or more organizations other than the prime LHJ/agency may carry out portions of the planned programmatic activities. The prime LHJ/agency may agree to be responsible for providing services outside their jurisdiction.
- The prime LHJ/agency must perform a substantive role in the conduct of the work plan and not merely serve as a conduit of funds to another party or parties. This includes providing appropriate oversight of all programmatic, financial, and administrative matters related to the grant.
- A copy of the signed, executed consortium agreement or MOU between the LHJs or agencies must be submitted to the OOH before the grant is executed.
- If a consortium is approved, applicant will be allowed an additional two weeks (Due December 29, 2021) to submit the application package to include a detailed plan.
For additional information, please review the program guidelines and appendices. Questions can be directed to OOH at DentalDirector@cdph.ca.gov.
Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to improving the oral health status of Californians!
Jayanth Kumar, DDS, MPH
State Dental Director
CDPH - Office of Oral Health
CDPH OOH, MS 7218 ● P.O. Box 997377 ● Sacramento, CA 95899-7377
(916) 440-7197 PHONE ● (916) 636-6678 FAX
Department Website: www.cdph.ca.gov