If you can smell smoke or you are within 300 feet of a field that is being burned, go inside and close windows and doors. Run the air conditioning or ventilation system (if possible, set the system on "re-circulate").
If you must be near a burning field, wear a mask (respirator) that has the word "NIOSH" and either "N95" or "P100" printed on it. These are sold at many hardware and home repair stores and pharmacies.
If you have been in or near smoke and are having a hard time breathing, or have very bad coughing, or chest pain, call your doctor or 911. During the day, smoke from burns generally rises up in the air. On winter nights, as the air cools, the smoke comes down closer to the ground, making the air quality worse. Reduce outdoor activity between 5:00 pm to 7:00 am during the winter.