Consistent cannabis use data was only collected for sex (i.e., males and females) over the three time points. The survey question asking students if they identified as transgender changed from 2015-2017 to 2017-2019 and are not comparable questions. The 2017-2019 cannabis use data for high school students who identify as transgender is available and reported below. The sample size for middle school students was small and the statistical estimates were unstable. Thus, these data are not reported. Data on other gender groups, such as non-binary or questioning, is unavailable for the three time periods. We will continue to examine the feasibility of reporting cannabis use by gender for future iterations of the dashboard.
For 2017-2019, 25.41% (95% CI: 19.10%, 31.71%) of high school students, who identified as transgender reported that they had used cannabis in the past 30 days, and 5.88% (95% CI: 2.86%, 8.91%) of transgender high school students reported cannabis use on 20 days or more in the past 30 days.