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Food and drug branch (fdb)

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Main Telephone:

(800) 495-3232




Address (Courier Delivery):

California Department of Public Health - Food and Drug Branch

1500 Capitol Ave, MS 7602

Sacramento, CA 95814


Address (Non-Courier Delivery):

California Department of Public Health - Food and Drug Branch

P.O. Box 997435, MS 7602

Sacramento, CA 95899


ā€‹Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO)

Assembly Bill (AB) 626 authored by Assemblyman Garcia, Chapter 470, Statutes of 2018, was signed into law by Governor Brown on September 18, 2018; effective January 1, 2019. This bill amends the California Health and Safety Code to establish a ā€œmicroenterprise home kitchen operation,ā€ referred to as MEHKOs, as a new type of retail food facility that will allow an individual to operate a restaurant in their private residence.ā€‹ā€‹ The new law also establishes requirements for ā€œInternet Food Service Intermediaryā€ (IFSI) entities, which provides a platform on its Internet Web site or mobile application, where a microenterprise home kitchen operation (MEHKO) can advertise food for sale. IFSIs are required to obtain a registration from the California Department of Public Health ā€“ Food and Drug Branch prior to advertising or promoting MEHKOs on their internet web site or mobile application.


ā€‹Effective January 1, 2019, the new law gives a city or county ā€œfull discretionā€ to authorize the MEHKOs in their jurisdiction. Under the regulations, until a county or a city authorizes these types of operations, MEHKOs will not be able to be issued a health permit to operate. To learn if a city and/or county has adopted an ordinance or resolution, or to find information about the full permit and operational requirements to operate a MEHKO in your area, please contact your local environmental health agency.

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