Radioactive Material Licensing Fees and Billing Information
Pursuant to Title 17, California Code of Regulations (17 CCR), Section 30230:
- Each applicant for a specific radioactive material license shall include with the application a nonrefundable fee, which is equal to the annual fee as set forth in section 30231, and if the specific license is granted, the application fee shall constitute the annual fee for the first year of the license.
- Each licensee shall pay an annual fee, as set forth in section 30231, on or before the anniversary of the effective date of the license.
Please note that any licensee who fails to pay their annual fee by the anniversary of the effective date of their license must immediately cease use of all sources of radiation by placing the sources in storage until the annual fee and a late fee of 25 percent of the annual fee has been paid. (17 CCR 30231(d).)
Fee Calculation Worksheet (PDF)
Billing Addresses:
PO Box:
California Department of Public Health
Radiologic Health Branch
P.O. Box 997414, MS 7610
Sacramento, CA 95899-7414
Physical Address:
California Department of Public Health
Radiologic Health Branch
1500 Capitol Avenue, Suite 520
MS 7610, Bldg 172
Sacramento, CA 95814-5006