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Preconception Health

Healthy Body

Young Asian woman shopping for fresh organic fruits in supermarket : Stock Photo

Healthy eating and active living are essential to maintaining a healthy body. Eating well can help you feel better both physically and mentally, and give you the nourishment you need to boost your energy throughout the day. A healthy lifestyle with well-balanced meals and physical activity each day can also help prevent  or manage many common chronic conditions. Small improvements every day can make a lasting impact for you and generations to come!

Healthy Eating Resources


  • ChooseMyPlate: Nutrition  offers personalized eating plans based on the dietary guidelines for Americans. Provides interactive tools to personalize individual needs.
  • Eat Healthy  offers healthy tips and recipes.
  • Eat Well  offers resources and tools to help with healthy eating.
  • Healthy Snacks offers healthy recipe options for snacks.
  • Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight offers in-depth recommendations and tips for planning, buying, storing, and eating healthy foods.
  • MyPlate offers resources to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Tools and handouts encourage children, teens and pregnant and breastfeeding women to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy on their plates every day and be physically active.
  • USDA Preconception Nutrition  offers information and resources for preconception nutrition.



Active Living Resources

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