āCHCQ is seeking input from interested stakeholders as part of the regulation development process to ensure proposed regulations are consistent with other laws and regulations, modern hospital practices, and other relevant standards. CHCQ has begun the process of revising regulations governing GACHs under California Code of Regulations, Title 22. These GACH regulations include the following sections:
- section 70231 Anesthesia Service Definition
- section 70233 Anesthesia Service General Requirements
- section 70235 Anesthesia Service Staff
- section 70237 Anesthesia Service Equipment and Supplies
- section 70239 Anesthesia Service Space
Instructions for Submitting Written Comments
Please submit your written comments by June 29, 2018 using the Written Comments Form. Stakeholders should provide the section number they are addressing, their name, the name of the organization they represent, and their comment or proposed text.
Please submit your response by email to CHCQRegulationsUnit@cdph.ca.gov, or you may also mail your comments to:
California Department of Public Health
Center for Health Care Quality
Attn: Regulations Unit, MS 3201
P.O. Box 997377
Sacramento, CA 95899-7377
Original signed by Scott Vivona
Scott Vivona
Assistant Deputy Director
Attachment: Written Comments Form