Long-Term Care Facility Citation Penalty Account Funds, Reports and Grant Application
Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Program Grant
About CMP Funds
Important: CMP California Communication Technology and In-Person Visitation Aid applications are no longer being accepted. CMS has discontinued the Communication Technology and In-Person Visitation Aid categories, effective January 1, 2025. Information regarding the discontinuation of this program is on the memorandum posted at the following link: CMS Admin Info: 25-04-NH
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may impose federal penalties against a nursing home when it is not in compliance with one or more Medicare and Medicaid participation requirements.
A portion of the funds are returned to the states where the CMPs are imposed. These funds are reinvested via a grant process to support activities that benefit nursing home residents by improving their quality of life. Read more about the funding in our
All Facilities Letter (AFL 19-03) (PDF) announcing the opportunity.
CMP funds may be used for (but are not limited to) the following:
- Assistance to support and protect residents of a facility that closes or is decertified
- Time-limited expenses incurred while relocating residents to home and community-based settings or to another facility when a facility is closed or downsized (pursuant to an agreement with the state Medicaid agency)
- Projects that support resident and family councils and other consumer involvement in assuring quality care in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs)
- Facility improvement initiatives approved by CMS, such as joint training of facility staff and surveyors, or technical assistance for facilities implementing quality assurance and performance improvement programs.
How to Apply for Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Program (CMPRP) Funding
California Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Application and the
California CMP Budget Template have been updated to reflect CMS’s new guidelines from September 2023. The new State (California) application and budget template are required to apply for CMPRP funding in California. Any other application template or budget template (e.g., CMS’s example application template or budget template, previous versions of the CMP application and budget templates) will not be accepted.
CMS has revised the structure of the CMPRP, including:
- Funding limits for most CMP Reinvestment Projects
- A comprehensive list of allowable and non-allowable uses of CMP funds
Documents required to apply for California CMPRP funding can be found below. General CMPRP documents and guidance released by CMS can be used for reference and are available on
CMS’s website.
California CMP applicants can apply now.
Application Materials:
The California CMP Application and the California CMP Budget Template required for submission are below:
Review of Applications
Applications will be reviewed within 30 business days of receipt, subject to change based on quality and volume of applications received. Evaluations will be assessing projects based on items such as:
- Eligibility of the proposed project
- Benefit to residents of SNFs
- Proposed metrics of outcomes, replicability, budget and distribution of funds
- Targeted population: diversity, geographic locations, consideration of ADA needs
- Whether the proposal exceeds (and does not duplicate) current regulatory requirements for SNFs
If approved, CDPH will submit the application within 30 business days of receipt to CMS for review and signatory acceptance, subject to change based on quality and volume of applications received. Following an approval by CMS, CDPH will initiate the contract process with approved applicants. (Please allow 6–7 months for contract processing and execution.)
Funding Disbursement
Applicants should note that funding for approved CMP grant projects is not provided up-front in a lump-sum deposit. Grantees will expense grant costs upfront and invoice the CDPH with supporting documentation for expenses for reimbursement during the contract period. Grantees shall not start project work or incur costs prior to the execution of the contract.
Prior Funded Projects
More information about CMP-funded projects in California can be found on the
CMS CMP Reinvestment Resource website page.
CMP Fund Statements
Annual Budget Act appropriations from both the state and federal accounts are provided to the CDPH, CHCQ, L&C for all of the purposes previously identified. CDPH uses the funds primarily for temporary management appointments and improvement of quality care in long-term healthcare facilities.
The Department of Aging receives an annual Budget Act appropriation from the state account for its Ombudsman Program.
* If you are having difficulty accessing any document, please contact CDPH at GFEDU@cdph.ca.gov to request the information in an alternative format.