California Health Facilities: Most Common Violations Dashboard
This dashboard shows the number of violations (also known as "citations", "deficiencies", or "tags") that CDPH cited in the course of surveys/investigations.
Refresh Schedule: Quarterly
California Health Facilities: State Enforcement Actions
This dashboard shows state enforcement actions (also known as citations, administrative penalties, or monetary penalties) that CDPH has issued since July 1, 1998. Users may search the database by enforcement action attributes such as penalty type, facility, or issue date, or with a key word search against investigation narratives.
Refresh Schedule:Dashboard - weekly, on TuesdaysOpen Data Portal file - annually, in August
California Hospitals: Adverse Event Dashboard
āThis dashboard shows adverse events that hospitals reported to the California Department of Public Health between July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2020. California hospitals (general acute care hospitals, acute psychiatric hospitals, and special hospitals) are required to report 28 types of adverse events to the California Department of Public Health pursuant to Health and Safety code sections 1279.1, 1279.2 and 1280.4 as established by Senate Bill 1301, Chapter 647, Statues of 2006, effective July 1, 2007.
Refresh Schedule: Annually
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) occur as an unintended result during patient care. Public reporting of HAI data allows Californians to assess the quality of care in hospitals. The map provides HAI data for five infection types of HAI from all California acute care hospitals.
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
This dashboard shows the prevalence of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) documents in California, limited to resāidents in skilled nursing facilities (SNF). This file enables a comparison of the proportion of nursing home residents that are reported to have a completed POLST form in their medical chart, by county and year, between January 1, 2011 and June 30, 2019.