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Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Strategy Unit

COVID-19 Responseā€‹

The Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Strategy Unit is continuing to assist local health departments with access to diagnostic testing resources. These resources are needed to respond to respiratory virus outbreaks such as COVID-19.

Resources for Facilities that Serve High-Risk Populations

MCM is continuing to support facilities that provide care for populations who are at high-risk for severe disease. These include Skilled Nursing Facilities, Elder Care, and Long-Term Care Facilities. Eligible facilities can order free at-home tests at the CDPH  At-Home Test Order Form page until February 2025.ā€‹

Federal Resources foā€‹ā€‹r Local Education Agencies (LEAs)

The Federal COVID-19 Testing Supply Program for Schools is continuing to provide at-home COVID-19 tests. These resources are available for LEAs for the 2024-2025 school year. To learn morā€‹e about this Federal program, please refer to the letter to LEAs.

At-home Tests - Exā€‹piration Extension

Most at-home test brands have been granted formal extensions by the FDA. and are valid for many months after the dates printed on the boxes.  Visit the FDA's website to determine the extended expiration date for an expired test. 

CDPH recommends replacing tests that are older than the extended expiration dates (these can be found on the FDA website). However, if newer tests are not easily available, an expired test may be used as long as the internal control remains valid. The internal control line is the test line (often labeled C, as in the figure below) that appears as described in the instructions of the test. If the control line appears, then the internal control is valid. If the line does not appear, then the results may not be accurate and a new test is needed. 

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Los Angeles ā€‹ā€‹Testing Programs

For Los Angeles County, organizations can access at-home testing resources through LA County Department of Public Health. For more information, please visit LA County ā€‹At-Home Testing Resources

Additional COVID-19 resources



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