Vaccine Attestations for New Arrivals

If you are a parolee from Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Ukraine, or Venezuela, part of your conditions for parole require certain medical screenings and vaccinations. This page includes information on required screening and vaccinations and where to receive them in California.
Required Vaccines and Screenings for Parolees from Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Ukraine, and Venezuela
Within 90 days after arrival to the United States, you must attest to having received:
Measles vaccine*
Polio vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine
*MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine required for parolees from Afghanistan instead of Measles vaccināe.
To complete the Afghan Parolee Vāaccinatiāāāon Attestation, visit the Afghan Parolee Vaccination Status page on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website.
All parolees from Cuba, Hāaiti, Nicaragua, Ukraine, and Venezuela must submit vaccine and tuberculosis attestation in their US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) online account.
Where to Get Immunizations and Tuberculosis Screenings
To receive vaccinations and a tuberculosis (TB) screeniāāng, please use the resources below to find a clinic in your community:
Refugee Health Assessment Program Clinic ā
The Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP) provides a free comprehensive medical exam including vaccines and tuberculosis testing. These assessments are available for newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of severe forms of human trafficking (federally certified), and other eligible entrants such as those granted humanitarian parole from Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, and Ukraine.
Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Resources
Immunization Resources