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microbial diseases laboratory

Test Order Fungal Identification: Referral to CDC

Pre-Approval Required


Supplemental Information or Form

Fā€‹orm LAB 448 (PDF) is required for submission of samples

Performed on Specimens From

Human source

Acceptable Sample/Specimen Type for Testing

Pure culture on solid media in tube or flask with tightened screw cap, taped. Do not submit fungal isolates on plates.

Minimum Volume Required


Storage & Preservation of Sample/Specimen Prior to Shipping

Incubated at 25Ā°ā€“30Ā°C (or refrigerated)



Sample/Specimen Labeling

Patient name, accession number and date of subculture

Shipping Instructions which Include Specimen Handling Requirements

  1. Grow isolate under appropriate conditions and verify purity prior to shipping 
  2. Ship at ambient temperature using appropriate DOT/IATA approved shipping procedures

Test Methodology

Phenotypic testing and DNA sequencing

Turnaround Time

Approximately 4 weeks, can vary

Interferences & Limitations

Results can be delayed due to contamination or unobtainable due to non-viability of the culture.

Additional Information

Please contact the MDL Mycobacterial, Mycotic, and Parasitic Diseases Section for special consideration if any of the above criteria cannot be met.

MDL Points of Contact

Mycobacterial, Mycotic and Parasitic Diseases Section
(510) 412-3926

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