Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
What is MOUD?
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is sometimes used instead of MOUD. The term MAT can include both counseling and medication to support people with OUD. However, the term MOUD is sometimes preferred to emphasize that the opioid use disorder is what is being treated.
Benefits of MOUD
- reduces or eliminates cravings to use opioids
- reduces or eliminates withdrawal symptoms
- blocks the effects of opioids
- reduces illicit opioid use
- supports people in treatment
- reduces the risk of overdose
It is best when patients with OUD have access to counseling, mental health services, medical care, and support services to meet the specific needs of the whole person as part of treatment.
DATA-Waiver (X-Waiver) Removal
There is no longer a federal requirement for practitioners to submit a waiver to prescribe medications, like buprenorphine, to treat OUD. Prescriptions for OUD, like all prescriptions, now only require a standard Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration number. For more information visit
SAMHSA’s Waiver Elimination webpage.
Resources for Providers
Treatment Resources
Addiction Medicine Toolkit
Addiction Medicine Toolkit provides an overview of substance use disorders and the field of addiction medicine, including diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders, linkage to care, methods to reduce stigma, and communication strategies that foster trust and help to build a collaborative patient relationship. Free continuing education (CE) credit is available.
Opioid Prescribing and Stewardship Resources
- Continue opioid therapy for patients in transition,
- Develop a patient-centered, individualized care plan,
- Use caution when tapering opioid therapy,
- Document patient care decisions, and
- Prescribe buprenorphine when appropriate.
For more information on this topic, see CIAO’s
What Do I Do With Inherited Patients on Opioids?: A Webinar for Providers. CIAO also created a shorter six-minute video: Inheriting Patients on Long Term Opioids: A Quick Primer for Clinicians.
Online Trainings and Continuing Education