How can WIC help you? Learn about the benefits of WIC and watch inspirational videos about how WIC made positive impacts in people's lives.
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WIC Stories
Virginia's WIC Story
Virginia isā an immigrant to the United States. She was referred to WIC by Planned Parenthood after learning she was pregnant. In her story, Virginia remembers how WIC services helped her address a thalassemia diagnosis, extend lactation, and manage food insecurity during the Great Recession.ā
English | Spanishā
Daniel and Kevin's WIC Story
When Daniel and Kevin got married, they wanted to start a family. After consulting with a neighbor who had adopted several children, they chose to foster two young boys. Their social worker introduced Daniel and Kevin to the WIC program, where they identified their son's severe nutritional status. Through dedicated visits with WIC registered dietitians, this family has started to see great results with the valuable nutritional tools WIC has provided.
Mark's WIC Story
Mark remembers running around the WIC office with his siblings as his mother met with WIC staff. He and his siblings enjoyed choosing WIC foods at the store with his mother, not knowing about the nutritional value the food brought to the family. Fast forward 15 years later, Mark is majoring in Nutrition and decides to apply for an internship at WIC. Mark sees himself in the children at the WIC office, and sees his mother in the women that participate in the WIC program. As a WIC Nutritionist, Mark now serves the same community that his single mother, his siblings, and himself were once a part of many years ago.
Erika's WIC Story
Erika was encouraged by a friend to receive WIC during her first pregnancy and had a wonderful experience. Erika used the WIC education she received while her son was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Her second pregnancy was overshadowed by depression; her WIC counselor Danielle, noticed Erika was disengaged. With compassion and encouragement, she assisted Erika in finding solutions to her problems. Erika has come full circle with WIC by her side, every step of the way. As a WIC staff, she now helps and empowers WIC participants.
Brandi's WIC Story
When she was a WIC participant, Brandi discovered the benefits of breastfeeding through WIC's breastfeedingā support and peer counseling services. Her experience was such a success that she became interested in becoming a WIC peer counselorāa parent in the community with personal breastfeeding experience and training who mentors, coaches, and supports breastfeeding WIC parents.
After four years as a peer counselor, Brandi became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She established the Breast Friends Mommy Group to meet the breastfeeding, parenting, and birth-related needs of West Oakland residents.
Since the group's establishment in 2013, exclusive breastfeeding rates in the community have steadily increased. Brandi'āās WIC story is a testament to how one person's passion for breastfeeding parents can change the cultural landscape in a community.ā
Working at WIC
WIC provides more than just healthy foods for your family. WIC staff include trained Dietitians, Nutritionists and peer counselors who provide specific nutrition education and breastfeeding support for you and your family. The trained staff also provide tips, steps, and resources to ensure your family has everything they need for a lifetime of good health. The WIC program helps you and your family to be healthy and productive members of the society. Learn more about the role WIC can play in supporting your family.