California WIC Authorized Product List
About the Authorized Product List

The California WIC Authorized Product List (APL) is an electronic file of Universal Product Codes (UPCs) and Price Look-Up (PLU) codes for foods authorized by WIC.
The APL is designed for use with the California WIC Card.
All products in the APL meet state and federal authorization requirements. WIC staff reviews and authorizes all products before adding them to the APL.
Where to Find the Authorized Product List
The APL is published on the California Health and Human Services (CHHS) Open Data Portal. Though the APL is updated regularly, the posted version may not contain all authorized UPCs or PLUs.
California WIC Authorized Product List - CHHS Open Data Portal
Note: The APL does not include UPCs for fresh fruits and vegetables. WIC authorized vendors must map these products by UPC to a PLU.
How to Add a UPC to the Authorized Product List
WIC needs your support to make sure the APL is complete and up to date! Please review the APL and visit our UPC Submissions webpage to submit UPC information for new or missing products you think meet WIC requirements.
Participants using the California WIC Card can only buy products included in the APL.
For questions, please email us at