Request for Applications (RFA 22-10099)
HIV āPrEP and PEP Navigator Services Program
Within the California Budget Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023, the California Legislature appropriated ongoing PrEP Navigator Services funding for the California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS (OA) to establish or expand PrEP navigator services programs and access to PEP. California Health and Safety Code 131019 requires that OA coordinate this RFA and its funded activities. OA will provide $1.76 million annually for three years to establish funding for PrEP Navigation projects to be selected through a competitive RFA process. Selected applicants will be awarded in a competitive award process to use this funding to establish and integrate PrEP and PEP navigation services within the funded agency or organization and make low-barrier PrEP and PEP available to identified priority populations. Applicants must provide evidence of a well-established ability to engage priority populations or demonstrate evidence informed innovative approaches for engaging priority populations and navigating them to PrEP and PEP. OA defines "innovative" as the application of new ideas or promising practices that use the required approaches within this RFA to address the needs of the priority population(s). At the end of the project duration, eligible entities (EEs) should have effectively integrated low-barrier access to PrEP and PEP into their existing structures by providing navigation services and benefits enrollment.
Applicants are encouraged to develop proposals that are appropriate to their regions, based on strong local partnerships and ability to reach specific priority populations. All California local health departments and community-based organizations that meet RFA eligibility criteria may apply.
Based on the most recently available California HIV surveillance data (2019) as well as new HIV diagnosis trends, the primary priority population(s) for PrEP Navigator Services funding are 1) non-White men who have sex with men (MSM), specifically Black/African Americans (AA), Latinx, Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islanders (NHOPI), and American Indian/Alaskan Natives (AI/AN); 2) transmen who have sex with men (TMSM); 3) non-binary individuals who have sex with men (NBISM); 4) transgender women; 5) people who test positive for syphilis; and 6) MSM with rectal gonorrhea or rectal chlamydia infections. Agencies who can demonstrate a proven record of success or outline a credible and complete plan for reaching transgender women of color and/or youth (age 13 to 24) in any of the above categories will be eligible for additional points during the RFA scoring process.
OA looks forward to receiving applications from all EEs to support, establish or expand PrEP navigator services programs and increase access to PEP to improve health outcomes, reduce HIV-related health disparities, reduce new HIV infections, and achieve maximal results in addressing the HIV epidemic in California.
Access the HIV PrEP and PEP Navigator Services Program RFA (PDF).
Please note the following important dates:
- HIV PrEP and PEP Navigator Services Program Kick-off Zoom Webinar will be held on March 22, 2022 from 2:30 P.M to 4:00 P.M. PDT. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 886 6464 0401 Passcode: 585324
- Questions about the HIV PrEP and PEP Navigator Services Program RFA must be submitted in writing by email to by March 25, 2022 by 5:00 P.M. PDT.
- Questions and responses will be posted on this webpage by March 29, 2022 by 5:00 P.M. PDT.
- Mandatory electronic Letter of Intent (LOI) is due on April 1, 2022 by 12:00 Noon PDT. RFA Attachments will be sent to those who submit LOI.
- Electronic application submission is due on April 29, 2022 by 12:00 P.M. PDT.
- Please see the RFA for LOI and application submission information.
If you have any questions about the information on this page, please send an e-mail to