Our animated Mold in the Home video series answers frequently asked questions about mold in the home. Below are the six videos in the series in English and Spanish.
1. When Mold in the Home Is a Problem
1. Cuando el moho en el hogar es un problema
2. Mold and Health
2. El moho y la salud
3. No Need for Mold Testing
3. No es necesario realizar pruebas para detectar el moho
4. Which Government Offices Should You Contact for Mold Problems
4. Que oficinas gubernamentales puede contactar si tiene problems con el moho?
5. Fixing Mold Problems
5. Solucionar los problemas con el moho
6. Building Owners and Renters Working Together (to Solve Mold Problems)
6. Los propietarios de edificios y los inquilinos trabajando juntos
Dampness & Mold - Science-based Advice for Housing Code Enforcement - English (11:32 minutes)
The Overlapping Issues of Health and Housing: A Report on California Statewide Data and Healthy Housing Indicators (PDF) - CDPH
If you are having difficulty accessing these documents, please contact CDPH at California.Breathing@cdph.ca.gov to request this information in an alternate format