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office of aids

Harm Reduction Resources


  • CDPH - California HIV Surveillance Reports  - Current and archived reports of HIV/AIDS cases by county, race/ethnicity, age, gender, and transmission route.
  • CDPH Hepatitis C Data - State and local viral hepatitis surveillance reports.
  • CDPH Overdose Surveillance Dashboard- Interactive tables allow users to examine county data on opiate and other drug overdose.
  • CDC Approval of OA Request for Determination of Need (PDF) Includes data and narrative submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a request for a "determination of need" to use federal funds to support syringe services programs. The California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS determined that the state of California is at risk for an outbreak of HIV and/or HCV among people who inject drugs; the CDC concurrence is included.

Harm Reduction Training Resources

  • National Harm Reduction Coalition - Online self-paced trainings that are free for Californians upon registration. These interactive trainings outline key harm reduction principles and include practical examples and skills-building practice. The three-course bundle includes:
    • Foundations of Harm Reduction
    • Overdose Prevention & Response
    • Engaging People Who Use Drugs
  • Harm Reduction Approach Overview Webinar  (NYS Department of Health AIDS Institute / HIV Education & Training Programs) - This two-hour archived webinar provides an introduction to HIV/STI/HCV prevention using a harm reduction approach to substance use and sexual risk behavior. The webinar provides an opportunity to reflect on practitioner's values and attitudes regarding harm reduction, as well as learn specific harm reduction strategies. 

Overdose Prevention

Tools and Technical Assistance


ā€‹Contact Information

To contact the CDPH/Office of AIDS Harm Reduction Unit, please email ā€‹

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