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Routine Immunizations #Don'tWaitVaccinate

Vaccinations help our immune systems recognize and fight off contagious diseases. Without immunizations, you and your child are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill or even dying from vaccine preventable diseases. That’s why we’re encouraging everyone “Don’t wait, vaccinate!”

In California, we have a proud tradition of looking out for each other. We take seriously our responsibility for the common good. It’s important that we make sure everyone—especially children—has full access to immunization services. 

Families that are having difficulty getting required immunizations prior to the start of school can contact their local health department for help in finding a place to get immunized. Families without health insurance can get no to low-cost vaccines at Vaccines for Children program and Vaccines for Adults program providers. Visit MyTurn​ to learn more.   

Visit the Shots for School CDPH page for information on immunization laws and required vaccinations for students in California.

Additional Resources:



California State Epidemiologist, Dr Erica Pan, reminds parents and caregivers about routine immunizations for preteens and teens, including ones for whooping cough, cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and meningitis.

Share the video: on YouTube, on Facebook, on Instagram.

CDPH Material Co-brand Disclaimer 
Local health jurisdictions (LHJs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) may co-brand materials created by CDPH (those in CDPH Office of Communications Toolkits) by adding their agency logo next to or near the CDPH logo. Be sure there is ample space between the two logos. Materials may not be altered or edited in any other way, including removal or adjustment of the CDPH logo.

Social Media

Use the images and suggested messaging below to help educate Californians about the importance of staying up to date on vaccination and routine screening. Feel free to customize and share via social media platforms, websites, patient portals, emails, and other ways to reach your audiences. We also encourage posting pictures from your own community.

To use these images, click on each one to enlarge the image, then right click and “save as.”


Get the HPV vaccine.

Suggested Messaging:

As your kids grow up, you can't prevent their pimples, but you can prevent 6 types of cancer with the HPV vaccine, recommended for all preteens starting at age 9. To find out more about the HPV vaccine, visit

#CaliforniaHPVFree  #hpvawarenessday #Don'tWaitVaccinate

Access Your California Digital Vaccine Record
Suggested Messaging:

Parents and Guardians! Did you know you can use the California Digital Vaccine Record portal to access your child’s immunization records? Request a digital copy of your child’s records for childcare or school at

Put the PHV vaccine on your back-to-school checklist
Suggested Messaging:
📢 Parents: ask for the #HPVvaccine at your child’s back-to-school doctor visit. The HPV vaccine is most effective when given between 9–12-years-old. It protects against cancer later in life. Learn more:
Don't Wait Vaccinate
Suggested Messaging:

📢 Attention, parents and caregivers!  

As the new school year approaches, ensure your child’s health is in top shape. Call your child’s health care provider to make sure they’re up to date on all routine vaccines and schedule a checkup. It’s better to be prepared early and beat the rush! 


#CallYourPediatrician #DontWaitVaccinate 

It's time for a checkup
Suggested Messaging:

Did you know that vaccines keep your kids healthy? Getting your preteen and teens vaccinated can protect them from diseases like whooping cough and COVID-19. Talk to your child’s doctor to find out more about the vaccines they need. Visit 

#BackToSchool #ShotsforSchool #DontWaitVaccinate

Good news. Many doctors offer free vaccinations to families without insurance
Suggested Messaging:

You can keep your child up to date on their vaccines, even if you don’t have health insurance! There’s a special program called Vaccines for Children that may help eligible children. Find a provider near you today. Learn more:​ #DontWaitVaccinate

Growing so fast! It's time for a checkup.

Suggested Messaging:

Vaccinations help children’s immune systems recognize and fight off contagious diseases, keeping them healthy so they can grow, learn, and thrive. Ask your child’s health care provider about updated COVID-19 vaccines and other routine vaccines. Schedule their next checkup today! Visit 
#CallYourPediatrician #DontWaitVaccinate
It's Time! Don't Wait Vaccinate

Suggested Messaging:

Just like we need to update our phones and computers to keep them virus-free, our immune systems need updating, too. That’s why the updated COVID-19 vaccine is so important. Next time you visit the doctor, ask them about the updated COVID-19 vaccine for your child. 
It's time! Call a health care provider.
Suggested Messaging:

Your immune system needs regular updates from routine immunizations and doctor visits to stay strong and healthy throughout your life. Use this tool to find out what shots you might need as an adult by going to:​ and call a health care provider to schedule a checkup today! #DontWaitVaccinate

It's time for a checkup
Suggested Messaging:

Vaccines can help keep your preteen and teen stay healthy, so they can continue going to school and hanging out with friends. Get some peace of mind by immunizing your preteen against diseases like whooping cough and meningitus.  #BackToSchool #ShotsforSchool #DontWaitVaccinate
Off to college? Don't wait vaccinate!

Suggested Messaging:

Off to college? #DontWaitVaccinate! In order to keep both students and staff protected from certain diseases, it’s recommended that incoming college students are up to date on immunizations before starting classes. In fact, many colleges and universities require incoming students receive specific vaccines before starting school. 

Talk to your doctor about which vaccine you need and learn more at:


Ponte la vacuna contra el VPH.

Suggested Messaging: 

A medida que tus hijos crecen, no puedes prevenir sus espinillas, pero sí puedes prevenir 6 tipos de cáncer con la vacuna contra el VPH, recomendada para todos los preadolescentes a partir de los 9 años. Para obtener más información sobre la vacuna contra el VPH, visita

Accede a tu registro digital de vacunas de California
Suggested Messaging:
¡Padres y tutores! ¿Sabías que puedes utilizar el portal del Registro Digital de Vacunas de California para acceder a los registros de vacunación de tu hijo? Solicita una copia digital de los registros de tu hijo para la guardería o la escuela en
Po la vacuna contra el VPH en tu lista de regreso a la escuela
Suggested Messaging:

📢Padres: soliciten #LaVacunaContraElVPH en la visita al médico de regreso a la escuela de su hijo. La vacuna contra el VPH es más eficaz cuando se administra entre los 9 y los 12 años. Protege contra cáncer en el futuro. Obtén más información:


No Esperes Vacunalos
Suggested Messaging:

📢 ¡Atención, padres y cuidadores!

A medida que se acerca el nuevo año escolar, asegúrate de que tu hijo esté en buen estado físico. Llama al proveedor de atención médica de tus hijos para asegurarte de que estén al día con todas las vacunas de rutina y programa un chequeo físico. ¡Hazlo antes de los demás! #NoEsperesVacúnalos  

Es hora de un Chequeo Fisico
Suggested Messaging:

¿Sabías que las vacunas mantienen a tus hijos sanos? Vacunar a tus preadolescentes y adolescentes puede protegerlos de enfermedades como la tosferina y COVID-19. Habla con el médico de tus hijos para obtener más información sobre las vacunas que necesita. 
​#DeRegresoALaEscuela #VacunasParaLaEscuela #NoEsperesVacúnalos
Muchos medicos ofrencen vacunas gratis a las familias sin seguro
Suggested Messaging:

¡Puedes mantener a tu hijo al día con sus vacunas, incluso si no tienes seguro médico! Hay un programa especial llamado Vacunas para Niños que puede ayudar a los niños elegibles. Encuentra hoy un proveedor cerca de ti. Learn more:​. #NoEsperesVacúnalos

Crecen tan rapido

Suggested Messaging:

Las vacunas ayudan al sistema inmunitario de los niños a reconocer y combatir las enfermedades contagiosas, manteniéndolos sanos para que puedan crecer, aprender y prosperar. Pregúntale al proveedor de atención médica de tus hijos sobre las vacunas actualizadas contra el COVID-19 y otras vacunas de rutina. ¡Programa hoy tu próximo chequeo físico! ​#LlamaATuPediatra  #NoEsperesVacúnalos

Es Hora!

Suggested Messaging:

Así como necesitamos actualizar nuestros teléfonos y computadoras para evitar los virus, también necesitamos actualizar nuestros sistemas inmunológicos. Es por eso que la vacuna actualizada contra el COVID-19 es tan importante. La próxima vez que visites al médico, pregúntale sobre la vacuna actualizada contra el COVID-19 para tus hijos. 
¡Es hora! Llama a un proveedor de atención médica.
Suggested Messaging:

Para mantenerte fuerte y sano durante toda tu vida, tu sistema inmunológico necesita actualizaciones periódicas de las inmunizaciones de rutina y visitas a tu médico. Usa esta herramienta para saber qué vacunas podrías necesitar como adulto visitando:​​ y llama a un proveedor de atención médica para programar una cita para vacunarte hoy! #NoEsperesVacúnat

Es hora de un chequeo
Suggested Messaging:
Las vacunas pueden ayudar a tu preadolescente y adolescente a mantenerse sanos, seguir yendo a la escuela y divertirse con amigos. Gana tranquilidad vacunando a tu preadolescente contra enfermedades como tosferina y la meningitis. #DeRegresoALaEscuela #VacunasParaLaEscuela #NoEsperesVacúnalos
¿Vas a la universidad? ¡#NoEsperesVacúnate!
Suggested Messaging:

¿Vas a la universidad? ¡#NoEsperesVacúnate! Para mantener tanto a los estudiantes como al personal protegidos de ciertas enfermedades, se recomienda que los estudiantes universitarios estén al día con las vacunas antes de comenzar las clases. De hecho, muchas universidades y colegios requieren que los estudiantes reciban vacunas específicas antes de comenzar la escuela. 

Habla con tu médico sobre qué vacunas necesitas y obtén más información en:​​​

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