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Adding a New Secondary Site

Instructions on adding a new secondary site outside the renewal application.


step 1Log in and on yoā€‹ur Welcome screen, click the View bā€‹utton in the box of the appropriate business to go to its dashboard where you will find all the testing sites under that business.

Business box on Welcome screen with encircled View button 

step 2The primary site should be found on the business dashboard. Click the primary siteā€™s Action button and select Add Secondary Site.

Primary site encircled. Action button showing Add Secondary Site option 

step 3The application ID prefix for a new secondary site is AMS. Please take note of the application ID assigned by the system. You may refer to this application ID if you contact us regarding this application.

On the Add Secondary Sites screen, click Add Site.

Application number encircled and Add Site button encircled 

step 4Enter the new secondary siteā€™s information and click Next. Please note: A secondary site must have the same CLIA ID as the primary site.

enter all information for the new secondary site  

step 5Select the Highest Testing Complexity, make sure that it matches with the selected Federal Certificate Type. Follow the screen error/prompts for the appropriate requirements. Click Next.

Encircled Highest Testing Complexity  

step 6Add the CLIA laboratory director. When youā€™re done, click Submit to save the new secondary site information.

Screen to enter a CLIA laboratory director  

step 7Click Continue Application.

Continue Application button  

step 8It should take you back to the Add Secondary Sites screen. To move forward, select the applicable multiple site qualification. Check the box of the newly added secondary site. Then, click Next.

Encircled multisite qualification and encircled check box of the new secondary site  

step 9Review the Business Information then click Next. Please note: If you need to update the business information, please refer to our Submit Changes webpage for the requirements. The application to update the business information can be done after submitting the new secondary site application.

Business Information Summary 

step 10Review the primary site information on this page, then click Next. Please note: If you need to update the primary site information, please refer to our Submit Changesā€‹ webpage for the requirements. The application to update the primary site information can be done after submitting the new secondary site application.

Primary Site Information Summary  


step 11Review the new secondary site information, then click Next.

Secondary Site Information  

step 12Upload the required documents, then click Next.

Required documents upload  

step 13Review the payment information, then click Next.

step 14Read the Application Attestation, sign, click Accept, then click Submit.

Attestation Application sign and then Submit  

step 15Click Shopping Cart.

step 16Review the Total Price and click Proceed to Checkout.

Total Price with Proceed to Checkout button

step 17Provide the required information, then click Submit to move the application for review.

step 18ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹The application status should be Pending-ApplicationReview for the secondary site. We might contact you for additional requirements by email.

Application status on business dashboard ā€‹ā€‹


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